Privacy policy


Dear customer, we inform you that from 25 May 2018 the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and legislative decree 196/2003 applies, regarding the protection of personal data, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018. The information is not valid for other websites that may be available through the links present, for which Atem Villa Sicily is in no way responsible.

The it systems and software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, during their normal operation, certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This site collects some Personal Data of its Users

Data Controller

Data Controller is Atem Villa Sicily – iemmolo alessio p. VAT: 01658320880 – C.F.: MMLLSS81M23H163M - CCIAA of South East Sicily that is based in Via Sacro Cuore, 114/C, 97015 – Modica (RG) – Italy that from this moment on will be indicated as application, website or owner.

Any use of Cookies – or other tracking tools – by this site or by the owners of the third-party services used by this site, unless otherwise specified, is intended to provide the Service requested by the User, in addition to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this site and guarantees that he has the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Data Controller from any responsibility towards third parties.

How and where the collected data are treated

Types of data collected

Among the Personal Data collected by this site, independently or through third parties, there are: cookies, usage data, first name, surname, email, telephone number, language and various types of Data.

Full details on each type of data collected are provided in the dedicated sections of this privacy policy or through specific informative texts displayed before the collection of the data.

Personal Data may be freely provided by you or, in the case of Usage Data, automatically collected during the use of this site.

Unless otherwise specified, all data requested by this site is mandatory. If you refuse to disclose them, it may be impossible for this site to provide the Service. In cases where this site indicates some Data as optional, Users are free to refrain from communicating such Data, without this having any effect on the availability of the Service or its operation.

Users who have doubts about which Data are mandatory, are encouraged to contact the Data Controller.

Any use of Cookies – or other tracking tools – by this site or by the owners of the third-party services used by this site, unless otherwise specified, is intended to provide the Service requested by the User, in addition to the additional purposes described in this document and in the Cookie Policy, if available.

The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through this site and guarantees that he has the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Data Controller from any responsibility towards third parties.

How and where the collected data are treated

How to treat

The Data Controller shall take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data. The processing is carried out through IT and /or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logics closely related to the indicated purposes. In addition to the Data Controller, in some cases, other parties involved in the organization of this site (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external subjects (such as third-party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) also appointed, if necessary, Data Controllers by the Data Controller, may have access to the Data. The updated list of Managers can always be requested from the Data Controller.

Legal basis for processing

The Data Controller treats Personal Data relating to the User in case there is one of the following conditions:

· you have given your consent for one or more specific purposes; Note: In some legal systems, the Data Controller may be authorized to process Personal Data without the user's consent or any other of the legal bases specified below, until the User objects ("opt-out") to such processing. However, this is not applicable if the processing of Personal Data is regulated by European legislation on the protection of Personal Data;

· processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you and/or for the execution of pre-contractual measures;

· the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject;

· the processing is necessary for the execution of a task in the public interest or for the exercise of public powers of which the Data Controller is invested;

· processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller or third parties.

· However, it is always possible to request the Data Controller to clarify the concrete legal basis of each treatment and in particular to specify whether the processing is based on the law, provided for by a contract or necessary to conclude a contract.


The Data are processed at the Data Controller's operational offices and in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located. For more information, please contact the Data Controller.

Your Personal Data may be transferred to a country other than the one in which you are located. To obtain further information on the place of processing, you may refer to the section on details on the processing of Personal Data.

You have the right to obtain information about the legal basis of the transfer of Data outside the European Union or to an international organization under public international law or consisting of two or more countries, such as the UN, as well as about the security measures taken by the Data Controller to protect the Data.

If one of the transfers described above takes place, the User may refer to the respective sections of this document or ask the Data Controller for information by contacting him at the details reported at the opening.

Retention period

The Data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected.


· Personal Data collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Data Controller and the User will be withheld until the execution of such contract is completed.

· Personal Data collected for purposes attributable to the legitimate interest of the Data Controller will be withheld until this interest is satisfied. The User may obtain further information about the legitimate interest pursued by the Data Controller in the relevant sections of this document or by contacting the Data Controller.

When the processing is based on your consent, the Data Controller may retain Personal Data for longer until such consent is revoked. In addition, the Data Controller may be obliged to keep Personal Data for a longer period in compliance with a legal obligation or on the orders of an authority.

At the end of the period of preservation, personal data will be deleted. Therefore, at the end of this period, the right of access, deletion, rectification and the right to portability of data can no longer be exercised.

Purpose of the Processing of collected Data

Your Data is collected to allow the Data Controller to provide its Services, as well as for the following purposes: Access to accounts on offered by the accommodation facility, Commercial Affiliation, Content Commentary, Contact you, Social Features, Contact and Message Sending Management, User Database Management, Activity Data Management, RSS Feed Management, Tag Management, Support Request Management and Contact , Backend Hosting and Infrastructure, Interaction with Live Chat Platforms, Interaction with Data Collection Platforms and Other Third Parties, Interaction with Social Networks and External Platforms, SPAM Protection, Advertising, Platform and Hosting Services, Statistics. To obtain further detailed information on the purposes of the processing and personal data concretely relevant for each purpose, you may refer to the relevant sections of this document.

Permissions to access personal data on your device

Depending on the specific device that you use, this site may require some permissions to access the User's Data on the device itself, as described below.

Such permissions must be provided by the User before any information can be processed. Upon issue, your permission may be revoked by you at any time. In order to revoke permissions, you may use system settings or contact the Owner at the contact details indicated in this document.

The procedure for checking permissions may vary depending on the device and software used by the User.

Please note that the revocation of one or more permits may have consequences for the proper functioning of this site.

In the event that you grant the permissions indicated below, the related Personal Data may be subject to processing (access, modification or removal) by this site.

Allowed Social Media Account

Used to access your social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter.

These services are not automatically activated, but require the express permission of the User

Managing RSS Feeds

This type of service allows the management of RSS feeds and the distribution of their contents. Depending on the characteristics of the service used, these services can also be used to place advertisements within the content and to collect statistical data on them.

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

This type of service allows you to make interactions with social networks, or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of this site.

The interactions and information acquired from this site are in any case subject to the User's privacy settings relating to each social network.

In the event that an interaction service with social networks is installed, it is possible that, even if users do not use the service, the same collects traffic data related to the pages on which it is installed.

· Facebook button and widget (Facebook Ireland Ltd). The Facebook button and social widgets are interaction services with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook Ireland Ltd. Personal Data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy. Subject participating in the Privacy Shield.

· Instagram button and widget (Facebook Ireland Ltd). Instagram is an image viewing service operated by Facebook Ireland Ltd. that allows this site to integrate such content into its pages. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy. Subject participating in the Privacy Shield.

· YouTube button and widget (Google LLC). YouTube is a video viewing service operated by Google LLC that allows this site to integrate such content into its pages. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy. Subject participating in the Privacy Shield.

· AirBnB button and widget (AirBnB, Inc.). AirBnB is a non-hotel accommodation booking service operated by AirBnB, Inc.. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy. Subject participating in the Privacy Shield.

· Button and widget ( B.V.). is an e-commerce company active in the travel sector managed by B.V.. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Netherlands – Privacy Policy. Subject to EU Regulation 679/2016.

· Button and widget (Studio Scivoletto srl Unipersonale). is a hotel accommodation booking service and not managed by Studio Scivoletto Srl unipersonale. Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data. Place of processing: Italy - Privacy Policy. Subject to EU Regulation 679/2016.

Platform and hosting services

These services are intended to host and operate key components of this site, making it possible to provide this site from a single platform. These platforms provide the Data Controller with a wide range of tools such as analytical tools, for the management of user registration, for the management of comments and databases, for e-commerce, for payment processing, etc. The use of such tools involves the collection and processing of Personal Data. Some of these services operate through servers geographically located in different locations, making it difficult to determine the exact location where Personal Data is stored.

User ID extension for Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics on this site uses a feature called User ID. This allows more accurate tracking of Users by assigning everyone a unique ID for various sessions and devices, but in such a way as not to allow Google to personally identify an individual or permanently identify a specific device.

The User ID extension also allows you to connect Data from Google Analytics with other user-related data collected from this site.

The Opt Out link provided below allows you to turn off tracking for the device you are using, but does not exclude further tracking activities carried out by the Data Controller. To also deactivate the latter, contact the owner through the contact email address.

Personal Data Collected: Cookies

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out. Subject participating in the Privacy Shield.

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)

Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google uses the Personal Data collected for the purpose of tracking and reviewing the use of this site, compiling reports and sharing them with other services developed by Google.

Google may use Personal Data to contextualize and personalize your advertising network's ads.

This Google Analytics integration anonymizes your IP address. Anonymization works by shortening the IP address of Users within the borders of the Member States of the European Union or in other countries participating in the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the IP address will be sent to Google's servers and shortened within the United States.

Personal data collected: Cookies and Usage Data.

Place of processing: United States – Privacy Policy – Opt Out. Subject participating in the Privacy Shield.

How to disable and clear cookies

In some browsers you can set rules to manage cookies site by site, which offers more precise control over privacy. you can check your preferences on the following pages, depending on your browser.

· Windows Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies (

· Apple Safari: Manage cookies and website data in Safari on Mac - Apple Support

· Google Chrome: Clear, enable, and manage cookies in Chrome - Computer - Google Chrome Help

· Mozilla Firefox: Websites, Communications & Cookies Privacy Notice — Mozilla

· Opera: Cookies policy | Opera

Limitation of Liability

Atem Villa Sicily cannot be held responsible in any way for damage of any kind caused directly or indirectly by accessing the site, by the inability or impossibility to access it, by relying on the information contained therein or by their use.

Atem Villa Sicily reserves the right to modify the contents of the site and this page at any time and without notice.

Atem Villa Sicily assumes no responsibility for services offered by third parties with which the site has activated a link, and for any other content, information or anything else contrary to the laws of the Italian State present in the resource of the third party linked to the attachment link.

Any links to external sites are provided as a simple service to users, with the exclusion of any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the set of links indicated.

Furthermore, the indication of links does not imply any kind of approval or sharing of responsibility on the part of Atem Villa Sicily in relation to the completeness and correctness of the information contained in the sites indicated.igkeit der auf den angegebenen Websites enthaltenen Informationen.